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The Hidden Threat: How Fake Identities used by Remote Employees Put Your Business at Risk—and How to Defend Against This

Based on our experience in recent client matters, we have seen an escalating threat posed by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) information technology (IT) workers engaging in sophisticated schemes to evade US and UN sanctions, steal intellectual property from US companies, and/or inject ransomware into company IT environments, in support of enhancing North Korea’s illicit weapons program.

Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 10.20.20

* A lawyer has been suspended from practice for five drunk driving arrests. This attorney needs to learn how to "pass" a bar... [Bloomberg Law] * A pregnant Pennsylvania lawyer completed a hearing in a murder case last week after her water broke during the proceedings. [Today] * A curfew in Miami, Florida, has been eliminated thanks to a lawsuit filed by a local strip club. [Fox News] * Los Angeles is facing a lawsuit over mamajuana delivery licenses. [Independent] * Goodwin Procter has promoted a trans lawyer to equity partnership. [Bloomberg Law] * A Rhode Island criminal trial may be decided by a semicolon in a statute. Still waiting for the Oxford comma to make an appearance in a criminal trial... [Providence Journal]

Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 07.09.20

* A Tennessee lawyer has been censured for showing up to defend a client's DUI charge while drunk. Maybe this was part of the lawyer's defense? [Fox News] * Country Music Group Lady A, which recently changed its name from Lady Antebellum, is embroiled in a trademark dispute with a blues singer who also goes by Lady A. [USA Today] * Check out this interesting article on why there should be a right to an immigration attorney. [Slate] * An attorney for a former police officer charged with aiding and abetting the killing of George Floyd has filed a motion to dismiss the charges. [Fox News] * A judge is allowing a defamation lawsuit filed by Roy Moore over a prank by Sacha Baron Cohen to proceed. Moore should count himself lucky he wasn't pranked by Borat, Bruno, or Ali G. [Hill]


Non-Sequiturs: 05.31.17

* What you can learn from Tiger Woods's DUI arrest. [Versus Texas] * Are we in the new age of monopolies? [Salon] * This is reading an awful lot into unanimous Supreme Court decisions. [Washington Post] * New York isn't the liberal utopia you might think it is. [Jezebel] * The election law gap between red states and blue states. [Election Law Blog] * In NYC? Then join WNYC’s All Things Considered host Jami Floyd for a conversation about Loving v. Virginia on June 12th. [The Greene Space] * Call off the lawyers. [Law and More] * What's the opposite of banning something? [Huffington Post] * Theorizing over Jared Kushner's motivation. [Slate]


Non-Sequiturs: 09.08.15

* Sonia Sotomayor talks about feeling like an outsider on the court... aaaaaaaand this is what white privilege means. [Slate] * Vehicles you can still get a DUI while driving: Barbie Jeep, Zamboni, wheelchair, inflatable raft, motorized beer cooler. [Lowering the Bar] * Step into the political slime and see how the halted campaign finance investigation into Scott Walker is being used to undermine regulations. [PR Watch] * Fascinating speculation on who should be Donald Trump's running mate -- assuming, arguendo, the end times are upon us and he wins the Republican nomination. [Law and More] * Debating Harvard Law professor Larry Lessig's theories about the presidency. [Pacific Standard] * Bound by Law? Tales of the Public Domain, a cheeky comic book sponsored by Duke’s Center for the Study of the Public Domain is fun and useful for lawyers and nonlawyers alike. [Open Culture] * Yes, Ohio, a man's family does include his wife. [Volokh Conspiracy] * Perverse incentives dominate Chinese victim compensation laws and drivers try to kill any pedestrians they may hit. [Slate]


Non-Sequiturs: 09.04.15

Ed. note: Due to the Labor Day holiday we will be on a reduced publication schedule today, and observing the holiday on Monday. Hope everyone has an enjoyable, restful and long weekend. * Oh yay! An attorney hits something with his car, doesn't stop, and uses the "I'm an attorney!" line, complete with F-bombs. And he was drinking, because of course he was. [Legal Profession Blog] * You shoot for the stars Utah! Utah Law announced a new initiative to have 100 percent bar passage and 100 percent professional employment. [Tax Prof Blog] * Burn! Not only did the Ninth Circuit overturn Judge Robert Jones's decision, they reassigned the case. [Election Law Blog] * A war between Harvard Law professors! Okay, it's just a war of words, but Cass Sunstein really takes it to former Harvard Law professor Elizabeth Warren and law prof turned presidential candidate Larry Lessig. [American Thinker] * Lessons on being a lawyer you can get from watching Peggy Olson. [Careerist] * Here's a horrifying fact: "Defendants who can't make bail, regardless of their crime, are four times more likely to be sentenced to time in prison." [Pacific Standard] * This is fun! A 1947 anti-union propaganda comic put out by General Electric. [Lawyers, Guns and Money] * Food in exchange for legal advice. Seems like a good deal. [Brooklyn Daily Eagle] * Moving ever closer to the day when a marriage license for a same sex couple is just a matter of paperwork -- even in Kentucky. [Huffington Post]

Morning Docket

Morning Docket 04.28.15

* Oh Texas. Judge gets in trouble for posting about an ongoing trial on Facebook, violating HER OWN RULE about posting about an ongoing trial on Facebook. [Texas Lawyer] * Head of the Georgia state judicial ethics committee resigns after billing questions arise. [Daily Report] * Ach nein! Orrick closes two German offices. [Am Law] * Yup, if you graduated law school (even from a great school like Columbia) in 2010, you are well and truly screwed. [NY Times] * Get ready for the gay marriage oral arguments with a fascinating history of codified homophobia in public service. [WaPo] * Irony alert: Judge's son got a DUI when he was driving recklessly in front of -- yup, you guessed it -- the courthouse. [Times Free Press] * NY State Chief Judge Jonathan Lippman comes out in favor of decriminalization of seven "broken windows" offenses that account for ~42% of NYPD summonses. [NY Daily News] * RIP Harvey Miller, 82, Weil Gotshal bankruptcy partner passed away after a fight with ALS. [NYLJ]


Retired Football Players Just Got Jacked Up!

Jefferson, are you injured or are you hurt?–James Caan, The Program Yossarian was moved very deeply by the absolute simplicity of this clause of Catch-22 and let out a respectful whistle.–Joseph Heller A few years ago, ESPN’s Monday Night Countdown used to do this bit where their assorted chuckleheads would sit around reviewing the biggest […]


Drunk On Sports

This world is absolutely crawling with DUI attorneys. You wouldn’t know it to look at this website, but it’s fairly clear out here in Amurrica that DUI attorneys outnumber other attorneys by at least a seventeen or eighteen-to-one margin. If you don’t believe me, perhaps you’ll believe Google? A search for “DUI attorney” returns over […]